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Revenge of the Nerds

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thousand Words Campaign: 15

Doesn’t matter WHAT day it was or WHO asked who
WHERE we were WHEN it started or WHAT we were about to do
B/c the game ended for me TODAY
It’s a done deal, I’m through
With you…
There is no sunshine or springtime
There’s nothing left to do
When there’s just April’s showers
And no,
They don’t follow with May flowers
of Memories, Not good
that tower upon towers.
But I left behind just one shoe for you
To walk a mile
Wait, you might need to walk two
To see the love that once burned so deep down in my soul
As I wore out this set of soles
For you? Ha!
God only knows
Like a pawn to “my” King
Just another member of his crowded team
Of Bishops, Knights, Rooks
Damn, why was I so hooked?
Never once given the opportunity to fulfill my dream
Of us together living happily ever after
As the princess or queen
Wake up this is not Snow White’s or Cinderella’s scene
So please, for me don’t Check
Mate in him I’ve found forever
He appreciates the loyalty I give to MY King
Never underestimated, Unappreciated
I’m X-ceptional and his good thing
No more being sacrificed at the front line
My love is all he needs
He only wants one woman at a time
He “captured” my heart, this new King
Royal in everyway
Member to his 2 person team
I’m no longer your PAWN, I’m his beautiful black QUEEN!


1 comment:

Ed The Sports Fan said...

I see you holding it down for the Nati, that's whats up. See you boys at Beluga on Saturday.


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